Premium Internet for your Business (DIA)

Hi-INTERNET's DEDICATED INTERNET ACCESS that can best meet your internet needs every minute and every second for your Business.

1. Dedicated technical teams to be prepared in real time

2. Agree to get the most stable high speed internet (99.99% SLA)

Dedicated Metro DIA Network Infrastructure
Dedicated Internet Bandwidth
Dedicated Call Center Support
Dedicated Technical Support
Dedicated Key Account Manager
Dedicated Professional Onsite Support
Complementary Backup Fiber Internet Link and Public IP
Provide High SLA
Dedicated protected fiber backbone ring between POPs and Datacenter
Protected and multiple IP Transit link to Internet
Dedicated fiber cable connection between POPs and subscribe's building
Dedicated Fiber Cabinet for Metro DIA Network
Separate infrastructure from Future’s consumer network

Our DIA Supporting Business Group

Our Business Partner

Contact Us
Main Office

Main Office MS-2 Tower, Upper Mandalay Road, Kandawgyi Yeik Mon, Mingalar Taung Nyunt Township, Yangon.

09 12345678

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